Our Best Sellers
The Ultimate School Reward System
School Eco Tokens
Whole school Starter Set
Medium School Starter Set
Classroom Starter Set
Pupil Voice
School Tokens
Standard Design Tokens
Trolley/Locker Tokens
Floor Standing Boxes
Standard Boxes
Split Interior Boxes
Plastic Tokens & School Reward Systems
Welcome to TokensFor, the leading UK manufacturer and supplier of plastic tokens
Searching for plastic tokens? You’re in the right place. TokensFor (formerly Plastic Tokens) is a UK manufacturer and established supplier of an extensive range of tokens, school reward systems, token storage accessories and much more. From supplying schools with token starter sets for boosting creativity in the classroom, to providing educational institutions, businesses and even local governments with token voting and ballot systems, we have the team and product ranges to supply you with the exact tokens range you’re looking for.
Custom Tokens for Businesses & Events
Whether you’re organising a festival or event and require customised drinks tokens to go that extra mile, or are looking for an incentive for your business and want to track staff rewards with a physical product, our custom token ranges are designed to fit your exact specifications and business needs. We’re also proud to introduce the biodegradable eco tokens range, perfect for environmentally-friendly businesses who want the personal touch of a customised token that is fully recyclable. Take the customisation of your business or institution to the next level with TokensFor today.